Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What a month!

Wow! This has been a month. To re-cap, we started out on the 8th getting approved for a mortgage(praise God!), but that same day my mom ended up having emergency surgery to remove an infection in her leg. It was a VERY emotional day. She ended up being hospitalized for 5 days before coming home on IV meds for the next 4 weeks. During all of this we went through making an offer on the first house we looked at, then finding out someone we knew had put in an offer on the same house(being hugely dissappointed) and then(2 days later) hearing that they changed their minds and resended the offer. Then there was the waiting, waiting on Fannie Mae (owns the house) to either accept or counter our offer, after 4 days they did counter, and we accepted but we had to wait 3 more days for them to basically say ok. We waited on them to actually sign the contract (another 3 days), and now we have to wait on the apprasial to find out if they will give us the loan(apparantly USDA is alittle picky). All while taking care of my mom, being a mom and a wife. It's all very stressful, but I'm getting through it. I just hope April is a little calmer, at least just a little.

We really love the house, as does Jenna. She already knows her way around the house, and even which room is going to be hers. By the way, she wants purple walls and purple carpet, she is such my child. I'm just praying everything continues to go smoothly, I don't know how I'm going to explain it to her if something happens and we don't get the house. But, as I continue to believe and say, "If it's meant to be, it will work out."

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